Welcome to Elder Pets and Pals

Pets in the Family is proud to announce a new section called Elder Pets and Pals. As both the human and pet populations continue to age, it makes sense to provide information and insight into these two important sectors of our audience.

Over 50 percent of households with people 50+ are pet owners, and 47 percent of dog owners have an elderly pet, defined as 7 years or older. The figures for cats are similar.

For the pets, this aging brings along many problems relating to health and happiness. For the older owners, relationships with pets bring even more advantages than it does for younger owners. However, there are also additional obstacles.

Elder Pets and Pals will address all these issues of health and wellness. Additionally, because of the special needs of this sector of our readership, we will endeavor to provide information and tips on how to enhance pet ownership in an affordable, cost-effective way.

We hope you enjoy it and are eager to hear any suggestions or questions, as well as any pictures or videos you want to share.

AVMA Tips for Caring for Senior Cats and Dogs

Better care means dogs and cats are living longer now than they ever have before—and, as pets get older, they need extra care and attention.

It’s important to remember that age is not a disease. Although senior pets may develop age-related problems, you can help your pet live a happy, healthy, and active life in their senior years by providing for their physical, mental, and health care needs.

Regular veterinary examinations can detect problems in older pets before those problems become serious or life-threatening, which can lead to a longer, healthier life for your pet.

A Fluffy Brown Dog With an Old Lady
Dog Gazing Attentively at an Old Person Who Is Gently Resting

7 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Pet Healthy


Keep your pet at a healthy weight.


Exercise your pet.


Feed your pet a balanced, nutritious diet.


Have your veterinarian examine your pet at least once a year to make sure your
pet is healthy and to help detect problems earlier.


Vaccinate your pet against potentially deadly diseases, such as distemper,
parvo, panleukopenia, and rabies.


Keep your pet free of parasites (fleas and ticks, heartworms, etc.).
Consult your veterinarian for the best product for your pet.


Spay or neuter your pet.